A flight itinerary is a document that outlines the detailed route of your flight. It should not be mistaken for a flight ticket, as they are distinct from each other. Typically, a flight itinerary contains details about you and your flight, including the flight name, routes, departure and arrival times and dates, flight code, and passenger information such as full name, email, phone number, and passport number.
A round trip reservation or flight itinerary is essential as it serves as evidence that you intend to return to your home country before your Schengen visa expires, thus demonstrating that you do not plan to overstay your visa. Additionally, presenting a flight itinerary assists visa officials in issuing a visa for the necessary duration rather than a shorter period.
A flight reservation secures a seat on a specific flight from one airport to another, holding the seat for a designated period.
Embassies and consulates typically require a round-trip flight reservation when applying for a visa.
Some Schengen authorities accept a round-trip reservation or itinerary with specified dates and flight numbers indicating entry and exit from the Schengen state during visa application. However, they may require the original air ticket when the visa is collected.