Slovakia is grappling with a workforce shortage, notably in vital sectors such as healthcare, personal care, social work, daycare teaching, and construction. EURES, the European employment services network, forecasts a decline in Slovakia's working-age population due to a growing retirement rate. Despite this trend, there's a rise in immigration and a tendency for people to remain in the workforce longer, as reported by Schengen. Additionally, high-paying health-related positions are experiencing a scarcity of workers in Slovakia.
1. Healthcare assistants
2. Certified nurses and public healthcare nurses
3. Social work specialists
4. Specialized medical practitioners
5. Primary care physicians
6. Early childhood educators
7. Audiologists and speech-language therapists
8. Dental professionals
9. Personal care aides for in-home services
10. Psychologists
11. Restaurant and catering personnel
12. Office and commercial cleaners
13. Senior nurses and ward nurses
14. Construction sector supervisors