The EU Commission, the European Union Asylum Agency, and Frontex will all offer their help to manage this immediate criticism by assisting with the registration of arrivals, identification, and other procedures, the President noted during a visit to this island, according to EU Helpers.
The President also emphasized that, if necessary, a prompt return of migrants to their country of origin must be ensured as part of crisis management.
The EU Commission's ten-point action plan will generally start with the pledge to increase support for migrants returning from Lampedusa and speed up returns by conducting a renewed, concerted outreach to the major sending countries, such as Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Senegal. The pledge to increase support for returning migrants from Lampedusa will come after that.
In addition, the fourth point of the plan calls for operational collaborations on anti-smuggling with nations of origin and transit in order to promote the prevention of departures.
Additionally, the EU Commission wants to extend naval missions in the Mediterranean and reinforce border surveillance at sea through Frontex.
To combat smuggling along the Tunisian border, it may be possible to reach a working agreement with Tunisia and form a coordinating task force within Europol.
The EU Commission is adamant about limiting the use of unsafe vessels and prosecuting traffickers and their businesses. Many thousands of migrants have perished trying to go through such routes to reach Europe.
The final element entails stepping up awareness-raising and communication campaigns for Mediterranean crossings, in order to educate the public about this illegal behavior and to warn those who are trying to migrate to Europe about how dangerous this alternative to traditional migration may be.
The EU Commission intends to keep working on providing alternatives for people who want to immigrate by providing legal and humanitarian immigration channels.
In order to create a customized strategy to assure protection along this route and boost voluntary return to migrants' home countries, the EU also aims to strengthen its collaboration with UNHCR and IOM. The next action the EU intends to take to stop irregular migration is to implement the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the EU and TU.