Schengen Statistics show that in 2022, every 2,126th person in the 1.7 million-person nation asked for a visa, outpacing all other applicants. The total number of Kosovars who requested for visas was 121,972. In Kosova, 6.8% of the total population applied for a Schengen visa in the previous year.
According to EU Helpers, Kuwaitis and Qataris filed the second and third most visa applications per capita, with 3,426 and 2,939 applicants per 100,000 people, respectively.
This suggests that 3.42 percent of Kuwait's 4.3 million people, or about the same as 2.9% of the population in Qatar, which has 2.7 million people, have applied. In 2022, every 29th person in Kuwait and every 34th person in Qatar will have applied for a visa at a Schengen consulate. These nations submitted 147,694 and 79,859 visa applications, respectively, placing them 14th and 24th overall in terms of total applications.
Muslim-Majority The top ten countries for visa applications per person are as follows:
Only three of the top ten nations with the highest applicant rates per capita—Cape Verde, Suriname, and Armenia—have a lower proportion of their population be Muslim.
This indicates that all of the citizens of the other seven nations are Muslim. With 2,935 visa applications per 100,000 people, Cape Verde is one of the ten nations with the highest number of applicants per capita. As a result, every 34th citizen of the African nation has applied for a visa as of 2022.
Each 37th Surinamese and every 45th Armenian applied for a Schengen visa last year, placing them fifth and sixth in terms of the number of applicants per population. This indicates that, respectively, 2.7% and 2.2% of the populations of these countries have applied for visas.
Additionally, the United Arab Emirates, which has 9.5 million residents, is placed seventh for having the largest number of applications per population, with every 51st person asking for a visa at some time in 2022.
Next come applicants from Lebanon and Tunisia, with 1,853 and 1,351 applications per 100,000 people, respectively. This means that every 54th Lebanese and 74th Tunisian citizen, respectively, is an applicant. Additionally, this suggests that 1.3% of Tunisians and 1.8% of Lebanese are seeking Schengen visas.
With 1,272 visa applications submitted for every 100,000 residents, Bahrain is the tenth-highest applicant country overall. This means that every 76th Bahraini citizen will have applied for a visa by the year 2022.