The average rent in Austria varies depending on the location you choose. The following graph provides a general idea of what you can expect. Moreover, rental prices are influenced by the categorization of apartments, which depends on factors like size, condition, and amenities.
Category A: Typically includes apartments of at least 30 square meters with a kitchenette, oven, hallway, and modern bathroom. Optional appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, and fridges may be included in the rental contract, along with a common heating system.
Category B: These apartments offer similar features to Category A, including a bedroom, kitchenette, hallway, and a smaller modern bathroom.
Category C: Apartments in usable condition with basic amenities such as a water supply and toilet.
Category D: These apartments lack indoor water supply and toilet facilities.
If any appliance in your rental contract breaks due to age or malfunction, the property owner is responsible for repairing or replacing it. However, if you damage something, you're expected to replace it, and it remains in the apartment after you move out. Many renters opt for household insurance and join renters' associations to address any potential issues effectively.