The average monthly income in Ukraine typically stands around 275,800 UAH annually, with a range spanning from a minimum average wage of 68,320 UAH to a maximum of 1,224,800 UAH. This figure varies based on factors including city, level of education, occupation, and work experience. For example, Kyiv City boasts the highest average wage compared to other cities in the country, averaging around 25,000 UAH (USD 679) per month.
As per Ukrainian government regulations, the minimum wage, also known as the minimum salary, represents the lowest compensation employers must pay their hourly workers within a defined timeframe. The minimum hourly wage in Ukraine is 34 UAH (USD 0.92), while the average minimum wage stands at 130 UAH (USD 3.38) per hour. Effective from January 2024, the minimum monthly wage is set at 7,100 UAH, with a subsequent increase to 8,000 UAH starting April 2024.