Norway has opted to remove the financial assistance prerequisite for obtaining a permanent residency permit. Previously, individuals aged 18 to 67 seeking permanent residency in Norway had to demonstrate their lack of financial assistance from the Norwegian government under the Social Services Act in the preceding 12 months. However, with the implementation of new regulations on April 18, 2024, this condition is no longer mandatory. Nonetheless, the obligation for applicants to show they possess personal income remains unchanged. All individuals within the specified age range must still provide evidence of receiving a certain level of income over the past 12 months.
As per the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), to meet this criterion, applicants for permanent residency must demonstrate earnings of at least NOK 296,550 (€25,219) within the previous year. However, exceptions are granted to those who, despite not meeting this income threshold, have been employed full-time for the past 12 months and have received the statutory minimum wage, even if it falls below the specified minimum amount.
As noted by UDI, individuals applying for permanent residency may qualify for exemptions from the income requirement under specific circumstances. Exemptions may extend to students enrolled in primary, upper secondary, or higher education, as well as those participating in approved underground labor market measures or apprenticeship programs. Furthermore, individuals receiving disability benefits from NAV and those with independent residence permits due to domestic abuse or illness, among others, may also be eligible for exemptions. However, UDI emphasizes that exemptions are not guaranteed, as each case is evaluated individually. Exemptions will only be granted in situations where it is deemed unreasonable to expect financial self-sufficiency from applicants.
For individuals who fail to meet the income requirement and do not qualify for any exemptions, UDI recommends postponing their application for a permanent residence permit. Instead, they are advised to extend their current residence permit if it is set to expire before they can fulfill the financial criteria.