Similar to several other EU countries, Spain is experiencing labor shortages across various industries, according to the latest report from the European Labour Authority. Among the sectors most affected by labor shortages are healthcare, IT, manufacturing, and agriculture. Additionally, Spain's economy is grappling with an aging population. Eurostat projections indicate that the ratio of people aged over 66 to those aged 16-66 in Spain is expected to rise by 27 percent, reaching nearly 54 percent between 2023 and 2053.
This situation suggests that foreigners looking to live and work in Spain may have better employment prospects if they are in one of the country's most in-demand professions. According to the 2023 EURES report on shortages and surpluses, the occupations experiencing the most significant worker shortages are:
- Fast food preparers
- Mixed crop and livestock farm laborers
- Mobile farm and forestry plant operators
- Textile, fur, and leather products machine operators
- Paper products machine operators
- Chemical products plant and machine operators
- Electrical line installers and repairers
- Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairers
- Hunters and trappers
- Inland and coastal waters fishery workers
- Healthcare assistants
- Cleaning and housekeeping supervisors in offices, hotels, and other establishments
- Information and communication technology user support technicians
- Information and communication technology operations technicians
- Metal production process controllers
- Database and network professionals
- System analysts
- Health professionals
- Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians
- Physiotherapists
- Dentists
- Nursing professionals
- Specialist medical practitioners
- General medical practitioners
- Telecommunications engineers
In addition to highlighting occupations with shortages, the recent EURES report also identified professions experiencing a surplus of workers in Spain.
Some of the 25 surplus occupations are:
- Messengers, package deliverers, and luggage porters
- Sweepers and related laborers
- Shelf fillers
- Forestry laborers
- Tailors, dressmakers, furriers, and hatters
- Painters and related workers
- Floor layers and tile setters
- Gardeners, horticultural, and nursery growers
- Child care workers
- Cashiers and ticket clerks
This indicates that finding a job in these fields may be challenging due to high competition.